Clifton Strengths Finder - Discover & Develop Your Greatest Talents

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SBDC - Southern Idaho
202 Falls Avenue
Twin Falls, ID 83301

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Host organization

US Small Business Administration

Type of event

Resource Partner event

Event description

The most important element in building a great team is the individual.

Every person must know how their contributions and strengths complement those of others on the team to tackle challenges together.On the surface, it seems simple. A group of individuals are using their talents and strengths to accomplish a common goal. But a strengths-based team requires much more than everyone simply working on their strong points — it requires a deep understanding of each team member's strengths and weaknesses and, importantly, the orchestration of those strengths and weaknesses to work toward the team’s goals.

You Will Receive

  • One (1) Online Talent Assessment for Your "Top 5 CliftonStrengths"
  • One (1) Hour With a Certified Clifton Strengths Coach Bryan Matsuoka; small businesses will receive unlimited coaching and consulting.

"Why You Need to Find a Gallup-Certified Strengths Coach

Don Clifton once wrote, "Strengths develop only in relationship to someone else."

Gallup's research proves it, and Gallup-Certified Strengths Coaches are the answer. These coaches are trained to help you flourish by helping you focus on doing more of what you naturally do best. They work with you to understand your strengths and weaknesses and how to manage both more effectively. They teach teams how to work better together by understanding each person's CliftonStrengths.

Everybody needs a coach. Take the next step in your development and find yours today."" - Gallup Clifton Strengths
