Think Like a Lender: Understanding the Business Loan Process Webinar

Date and time





Sarah Espinosa

Host organization

Veterans Business Outreach Center

Type of event

Resource Partner event

Event description

"Think Like a Lender" is a dynamic and insightful presentation designed to empower participants with a deep understanding of the critical credit-related factors assessed by creditors and lenders when evaluating loan applications. In this engaging one-hour session, we delve into the core principles of responsible lending and reveal the essential considerations for successful loan approval.

- The 6 C’s of Credit: We take a comprehensive look at the fundamental criteria - Character, Capacity, Capital, Collateral, Conditions, and Credit History - known as the "6 C’s of Credit." Understanding each of these factors is essential for anyone seeking to secure financing.
- Preparation Strategies: Participants will gain valuable insights into the strategies and practices that lay the groundwork for a successful loan application. By preparing effectively, individuals can boost their creditworthiness and increase the likelihood of loan approval.
- Best Practices: We share best practices that not only assist in the loan application process but also contribute to building a strong financial foundation. Participants will learn the practical steps to enhance their financial health.

- Equip participants with the knowledge necessary to navigate the lending process effectively.
- Provide a thorough understanding of what lenders look for in potential borrowers. Empower individuals to take proactive steps to prepare for, apply for, and support a loan application successfully.

"Think Like a Lender" is an opportunity to gain invaluable insights into the lending industry's inner workings, ensuring that individuals are well-prepared to make informed financial decisions and achieve their lending goals. By understanding the factors that influence lending decisions, participants can embark on their financial journey with confidence.
