Now, Let's Create Your Pitch

Date and time





Michele Schulman

Host organization

SCORE Nashville

Type of event

Resource Partner event

Event description

During this class we will help you develop your 90 second Pitch.


Participants will have the opportunity to listen to actual 90 second pitches and determine the most compelling approach for “selling” their businesses.


We will break each of the five (5) components down by time allocation and appropriate content.


Please come to this class with what you have created so far, or your rough notes. We want to hear what you have and the points that are tripping you up. Just remember that you know your business best. The 90 second Pitch is just a different way of selling it.


We look forward to working with you and hope you’ll join us for this fun and positive process.


Each session builds on the previous session, so it is important that you attend each session.


The remaining sessions are:

  • May 21st, Let's Practice for the 90 Second Pitch (Zoom)
  • May 28th, Let's Practice for the 90 Second Pitch 2 (Zoom)
  • June 4th, Polish Your 90 Second Pitch (In Person)


These workshops are available to male business owners.


You may choose to participate in the 3rd Annual Powerhouse Partners & Pitches Competition on June 11th (available to women business owners). The ten (10) finalists at the 90-second Pitch will present a 3-minute Pitch at the Final Pitch Celebration on July 25th, 2024, with the winner receiving $5,000.


In addition, all participants of the preliminary 90-second Pitch competition will be given a display table at the Final Pitch Competition where they can feature their products or services and network with companies and individuals interested in working the small women-owned businesses.


For additional information about all the sessions and the competition go to:
