

  • SBA primary logo

    Our new logo is modern, strong, and meaningful. It reflects our mission and our value as a catalyst for the growth of small businesses, as well as the nation’s economy. Design elements convey SBA’s strength, innovative thinking, and commitment to connecting our customers with the resources and support they need to get started, grow and expand, or recover. It symbolizes what makes the SBA uniquely able to empower small businesses and power the American dream.

Logo use

The SBA logo and mark are for official governmental use and any alteration, distortion, re-creation, or misuse is prohibited. The logo and mark can only be used by SBA employees in their official duties, for publicizing and identifying the SBA, its programs, and activities on official outreach materials and publications. In situations where space is limited (like at the bottom of a PowerPoint slide) the mark may be used. Variations of the SBA logo are available in different file formats.       

SBA signature logo

Resource Partners
SBA Resource Partners cannot use the logo except as authorized by the Agency in connection with a cosponsorship agreement.

Outside party
When the SBA’s logo is used by an outside party, the Agency’s role in the activity and its relationship to that outside party must be clear. For example, include the phrase “Funds Guaranteed by the SBA” when a business posts a sign announcing an expansion or new location. Use of the Agency’s logo cannot imply an endorsement or preferential treatment, or suggest a relationship that does not exist. When uncertain as to the appropriate use of the Agency’s logo, contact OMCS for guidance by emailing marketinghq@sba.gov.

SBA contractors or grantees should use the logo only in the manner prescribed in their cooperative agreement or contract.

Cobranded publications should display the SBA logo in the primary position, which is in the upper left of the page or cover, above other logos. When grouped with other logos, the SBA logo should be in the first position on the left. It should be comparable in size to any other logos on the page. Only logos of entities participating in the cosponsored activity, those appearing in the original cosponsorship agreement or subsequently joindered into the agreement, may cobrand with the SBA.

Non-program cosponsored materials should incorporate the SBA identity as prominent, and dominant lower left position is preferred.

Alternative text

Alternative text provides a description of non-text content for screen reader users and at times for all users when images do not load. Alternative text for the English SBA logo should be: U.S. Small Business Administration. For the Spanish logo, use: La Agencia Federal de Pequeños Negocios.


  • SBA logo lockup stacked

    The stacked lockup is the primary option and should be used at all times unless vertical space is limited.

  • Horizonatal

    The horizontal lockup is the secondary option and appears on our website and in limited vertical space.

  • SBA logo lockup isolated

    The isolated logo mark is primarily used for creating texture and bold graphic elements. This may include patterns on a step and repeat, scarves, ties, and isolated usage on hats. In most instances, the logo needs to be in a lockup with “U.S. Small Business Administration” to ensure clear communication.

  • SBA logo lockup minimum size
    Minimum size

    The small execution lockup is used when the logo needs to scale down. The small execution logo allows “U.S. Small Business Administration” to remain legible. The minimum width allowed for the entire lockup of the horizontal logo is 136px at 72dpi.


  • Stacked, two-color reversed

    The stacked lockup, two-color reverse option is the primary option to use on a dark-colored background in print and in digital format.


  • Horizontal, two-color reversed

    The horizontal lockup, two-color reverse option is the secondary option to use on a dark-colored background in print and in digital format where vertical space is limited.


  • SBA logo variation: stacked, one-color
    Stacked, one-color

    The stacked lockup, one-color option is the primary option to use on white backgrounds for apparel, stitched or printed, as well as any other options where only one-color usage is an option.

  • SBA logo variation: stacked, one-color reversed
    Stacked, one-color reversed

    The stacked lockup, one-color reverse option is the primary option to use on a dark-colored background for apparel, stitched or printed, as well as any other options where only one-color usage is an option.

  • Horizontal, one-color

    The horizontal lockup, one-color option is the secondary option to use on white backgrounds for apparel, stitched or printed, as well as any other options where only one-color usage is an option and vertical space is limited.

  • Horizontal, one-color reversed

    The horizontal lockup, one-color reverse option is the secondary option to use on a dark-colored background for apparel, stitched or printed, as well as any other options where only one-color usage is an option and vertical space is limited.

Style rules

Minimum margin space

There should always be comfortable space around the logo to ensure clear representation and keep the design around it from infringing on the logo. The minimum space around the logo should be no less than the width and height of the “B” in SBA.

SBA logos showing minimum margin space

Do not...

Do not stretch the SBA logo


SBA do not rearrange elements

Rearrange elements

SBA logo do not delete elements

Delete elements

SBA logo do not scale separately

Scale separately

SBA logo do not outline


SBA logo do not skew


SBA logo do not warp


SBA logo do not crop


SBA logo do not blur


SBA logo do not


SBA logo do not use change type

Change type

SBA logo do not alter the palette

Alter palette

SBA logo do not alter

Alter margin

SBA logo do not use drop shadows

Drop shadows

SBA logo do not create fills

Create fills

SBA logo do not use complex backgrounds

Use low-contrast backgrounds

SBA logo do not use low contrast backgrounds

Use low-contrast backgrounds

Frequently Asked Questions

The Agency’s logo may only be used to promote SBA and/or its programs, activities, and services. SBA’s logo cannot be used in a way that suggests the Agency is endorsing any individual, organization, product, or service or in a way which implies that an improper relationship exists between SBA and an outside party. SBA’s logo also must not be used in any manner that is liable to bring the Agency into a negative light. For example, SBA’s logo may not appear in connection with any products or services related to the alcohol, gambling, or adult entertainment industries, any lobbying efforts, or any political activities.

SBA employees may use the Agency’s logo for publicizing, branding, and identifying SBA and its programs and activities on official business cards, presentations, reports, correspondence, signs marketing and outreach materials, and similar publications.

No, only OMCS staff has the authority to modify the Agency’s logo. No other employee or outside party may alter the color, proportions, or content of SBA’s logo. The Inspector General may promulgate a logo for the Inspector General’s Office. Aside from that, no employee outside of OMCS has the authority to create new SBA logos related to particular programs, offices, or initiatives. Furthermore, SBA’s logo may not be merged, combined, or cobranded (i.e., the logos are touching) with the logos of any other parties.

Using appropriated funds. In general, SBA is restricted from using its appropriated funds to purchase promotional items or items of a personal nature, such as clothing (e.g., caps, jackets, and shirts). Such purchases are permissible only where the item directly and primarily serves the purpose of conveying information to the public or the apparel serves to identify particular individuals as employees or acting in an official capacity. For example, Office of Disaster Assistance personnel providing services in an affected area may wear jackets or t-shirts with the SBA logo on them. Questions regarding use of appropriated funds to purchase SBA-branded apparel should be directed to the Office of General Counsel (202-205-6642) before the purchase is made.

Using gift funds. SBA may use gift funds to purchase promotional items or items of a personal nature in accordance with the rules set forth in the Gift SOP, SOP 90 53, and in particular Chapter two, paragraphs five through seven.

SBA’s logo is a protected mark under the Lanham Act (15 U.S.C. § 1051 et seq.) and therefore it may only be used by outside organizations or individuals who obtain advance written permission from SBA. Outside parties operating under written agreements with SBA (such as other Federal agencies, grant recipients, contractors, Cosponsors, SAM participants, etc.) may use the Agency’s logo as authorized and specified in that underlying agreement. If there is no written agreement in place between SBA and an outside organization or individual, or if the agreement does not cover use of SBA’s logo, then the party wishing to use SBA’s logo must submit a written request for permission to either OMCS (for national entities) or, for local entities, to the relevant Responsible Program Official.

Responsible Program Officials will be held accountable for authorizing any use of the logo that is not in compliance with this SOP. When SBA’s logo is used by an outside party, that usage must make clear SBA’s role in the activity and its relationship to that outside party (for example, by featuring the phrase “Funds Guaranteed by” immediately preceding SBA’s logo, etc.). Use of the Agency’s logo must not imply an endorsement or preferential treatment or suggest a relationship which does not exist. Where a Responsible Program Official is uncertain as to whether use of the Agency’s logo is appropriate in a given situation, she or he should contact OMCS for additional guidance and support. For specific examples of circumstances when and how SBA’s logo may be used by outside parties (such as ads or other marketing materials, oversized ceremonial checks, etc.), please see the OMCS web site.

This policy on the use of SBA’s logo does not supersede the legal principles of fair use of trademarks. Thus, SBA’s logo may be used by outside organizations for news reporting and other critiques without SBA’s prior permission, provided the logo use does not imply an endorsement or sponsorship by SBA.

In order to highlight SBA’s contribution to the nation’s small businesses, SBA may from time to time make decals, or web icons, in window cling or electronic format, available to organizations or individuals who wish to display them. SBA may, at its sole discretion, prohibit any individual or business from displaying SBA’s logo if SBA determines that allowing that individual or business to display the logo would not be in the best interest of the Agency, and may issue such other guidelines or restrictions on the display of the logo as it determines prudent.

Decals or web icons that identify participation in an SBA program may only be used for the purpose of identifying or acknowledging an organization or individual’s participation in a specific Agency program, and the individual or organization must cease its use after termination, graduation, completion or withdrawal from the program. Window decals and web icons may not be used in a way that suggests the Agency has endorsed or conferred a seal of approval upon any entity, product, or service, nor may they be used for purposes of advertisement. Participants and third parties may not alter the logos they receive from SBA in any way.

District office personnel may distribute SBA window decals to qualifying parties. For available decals, see the OMCS YES page.

There is one SBA lender web icon provided by the Agency for use by lenders approved by the SBA to offer SBA loan products under SBA’s [Preferred Lender/Express; Lender/Certified; or Lender/Microloan] programs. Used in this context, participating lenders are those lenders who are in good standing with the Agency, have signed SBA Form 750 and are authorized to offer their respective programs.

See the SBA lender web icon and usage guidelines.

Where the conditions discussed in the paragraphs below are met, SBA’s logo may appear in connection with third-party activities. As a general rule, if SBA is participating in a limited capacity in an event hosted by one or more other entities, then the Agency’s logo may appear in materials promoting that event only if those materials have separate, clearly marked sections distinguishing participants from hosts or sponsors of the event, or if the Agency’s logo only appears directly above or beside the SBA representative’s name or bio.

Additionally, while an SBA employee is making a presentation at a third-party activity, the Agency’s logo may be displayed on a sign or electronic media near the presenter only for the course of that presentation. Once the SBA employee finishes the presentation, the Agency’s logo must be removed from display.

When SBA’s logo is used by an outside party, that usage must make clear SBA’s role in the activity and its relationship to that outside party (for example, by featuring the phrase “Funds Guaranteed by” immediately preceding SBA’s logo, etc.). Use of the Agency’s logo must not imply an endorsement or preferential treatment or suggest a relationship which does not exist.

The RPO must decide whether a proposed use of the SBA logo is appropriate. The RPO should consider whether the entity using the logo is commercial or noncommercial, whether the logo use implies an association between SBA with a product and service, whether the logo is accompanied by the disclaimer in section 4, and other factors appropriate to the situation.

Where an RPO is uncertain as to whether use of the Agency’s logo is appropriate in connection with a particular third-party activity, she or he should contact district counsel or the Office of Marketing and Customer Service (OMCS) for additional guidance and support. The RPO is accountable for inappropriate use of the logo in third-party events.

Except where doing so is impractical due to space constraints, Responsible Program Officials are strongly encouraged to require use of the following disclaimer whenever SBA’s logo appears on materials produced by outside parties:

SBA’s participation or support is not an endorsement of any product, service, or entity.

When used, this disclaimer must appear in clearly legible type in close proximity to the Agency’s logo. For more information, see the disclaimer section.

If you believe SBA’s logo has been used without the Agency’s permission, please contact the Office of General Counsel. If you believe the logo has been used with the Agency’s permission but has not been properly handled in accordance with the guidance set forth in this SOP, please contact OMCS.

Last updated May 30, 2024