Report No. 17-06: KPMG Management Letter Communicating Matters Relative to the FY 2016 Financial Statements
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On December 8, 2016, OIG issued Report No. 17-06, KPMG Management Letter Communicating Matters Relative to the FY 2016 Financial Statements. We contracted with the independent certified public accounting firm KPMG LLP (KPMG) to audit the U.S. Small Business Administration’s (SBA) consolidated financial statements for fiscal year (FY) 2016, ending September 30, 2016. The attached management letter represents matters that were identified during the audit. KPMG addressed recommendations to the Chief Human Capital Officer, and the Chief Financial Officer, in coordination with the directors of the Programmatic Accounting Division and Office of Financial Systems. We provided a draft of KPMG’s findings to each of these officials or their designees, who fully or substantially concurred with the findings relative to their respective areas. The officials or designees agreed to implement the recommendations or have already taken action to address the underlying conditions.