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Perspectives, news, and practical information for small businesses

  • Write an Executive Summary

    By Tim Berry on

    Most business owners have a general idea of the executive summary that comes with the traditional business plan. However, in the real world, summaries come up much more often than just in the business plan.

  • Celebrating our heroes

    By Linda McMahon on

    When President Trump asked the members of his Administration to tell him about the American heroes we have encountered in our Cabinet roles, one family instantly came to mind.Rob Leonardis is President of Ember Industries in San Marcos, Texas.

  • The Importance of Market Positioning

    By Tim Berry on

    It’s been several decades now since I first ran into the mental magic of marketing positioning. The diagram here shows it as presented by Philip Kotler in his text Marketing Management, which has been used in business schools for decades.

  • No Business Credit? Here's a Simple Strategy to Get Credit and Conserve Cash Flow

    By Marco Carbajo on

    If you plan to take out a loan for your business, buy equipment, open a business credit card – just about anything that requires borrowing money – having business credit is essential.

  • Rethinking Insurance Coverage

    By Barbara Weltman on

    Like most small businesses, you probably can’t self-insure (pay for losses out of pocket) because you can’t afford the risk for substantial financial exposure. You need insurance.

  • How to Develop and Use a Good Executive Summary

    By Tim Berry on

    Most business owners have a general idea of the executive summary that comes with the traditional business plan. However, in the real world, summaries come up much more often than just in the business plan.

  • Christmas in July: Why You Should Plan Your Holiday Marketing Now

    By Rieva Lesonsky on

    Put down the leftover hotdogs, sparklers, and souvenir American flags. Yes, summer has barely started—but if you’re a small business owner whose profitability depends on the holiday shopping season, it’s time to start planning your marketing strategy now.

  • Corporate Social Responsibility: What Your Small Business Needs to Know

    By Bridget Weston Pollack on

    Ever wish your small business could do more for the community? Maybe you volunteer as a group or have a favorite cause, but you want to take that work a step further.

  • 8 Easy Businesses to Start

    By Anita Campbell on

    Sam Walton was an ex-retail employee who got the idea to buy a little five and dime store in a small town in Arkansas. That small beginning eventually became Walmart, a global giant that today has over 11, 000 stores.

  • How To Overcome The Fear Of Being Your Own Boss

    By Joel Libava on

    I’d like to start out by telling you that it’s perfectly normal to be fearful about owning a franchise business-or any business. As a matter of fact, if you weren’t afraid, it would cause me worry.

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