Planning for a Healthy Business

Date and time





Jesus Padilla

Host organization

Florida SBDC at FIU

Type of event

Resource Partner event

Event description

Planning for a Healthy Business is an interactive online webinar that encourages participants to focus on planning as an essential competency of business ownership. No matter where entrepreneurs are in the development of their businesses, this webinar encourages them to ask and answer key questions that help ensure they create and manage healthy businesses that are successful on a long-term basis. 

After completing this class, the attendees will be able to: 

• Explain how an evolving planning process can help them make key decisions as business owners. 

• Describe how to convert a vague idea into a resource plan. 

• Explain the importance of a healthy personal credit score and healthy relationships with lenders. 

• Describe how a business plan helps motivate stakeholders to understand and support their business ideas. 

• Explain the benefits of creating a day-to-day action plan for running a small business.
