Intellectual Property 101: Demystifying the Patent Process

Date and time





Eliza Jones

Host organization

Norcal SBDC

Type of event

Resource Partner event

Event description

Are you interested in learning more about intellectual property (IP) and the patent process? Discover potential ways to protect your innovations as you transition from idea to product. Experts from the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) will show you the difference between provisional patent applications and non-provisional patent applications and how to use them through this free, virtual session that helps you demystify the patent process. Topics will include the following:

· Overview of intellectual property types: patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets
· Understanding the risks of early disclosure
· The process of patent prosecution
· The role of patent examiners at the USPTO
· What to expect when working with the USPTO
· Resources available through the USPTO to protect your IP
