Small Business Investment Companies
Forms, program updates and more for investment funds licensed as Small Business Investment Companies (SBICs) by SBA.
Become an SBIC
As a licensed private equity fund manager, SBA will lend you low-cost, government-backed capital to invest in U.S. small businesses. -
Invest in an SBIC
As a licensed private equity fund manager, SBA will lend you low-cost, government-backed capital to invest in U.S. small businesses. -
Manage an SBIC
Understand the key processes for licensed SBICs, including capitalization, financings, reporting, examinations, and more. -
Forms and guides
Use these forms and guides as you go through the processes of a licensed SBIC. -
Resource library
Find statute, regulations, forms, and other guidance on the SBIC program. -
SBIC directory
Find an SBIC by industry, investing status or state/territory.